Is the Bangkok A Gogo Scene Washed Up?

It’s Your Duty To Go Balls Deep

A lot of people I meet in Bangkok still remember the old days in Thailand when girls were cheap and the beer even cheaper, and there were no mobile phones and apps such as Wechat and Tinder, it’s made whoremongers and ladies alike lazy as they don’t have to leave the comfort of their cosy air-con rooms. (“yeah, I remember newspapers were cheaper also and no one had a mobile phone.“).

Is there a problem? Is it getting worse or is it older men moaning that times have changed and their pension can’t buy them what they used to? Yeah, girls are more expensive, yes beer is more expensive but sorry guys its called inflation and times change.

People also bring up they can find pussy on an app, now let’s think on this “ I can buy pussy and meet ladies on an app”, so guys moaning and complaining that girls spend all their time playing with their phones think it’s good they can find a fuck on an app like Tinder. Now here is my thing and maybe it’s just me, but part of the fun in the Bangkok nightlife scene is meeting your mates, having a laugh and hitting on girls in bars and choosing which girl you fancy spending 5 minutes getting jiggy with, okay beer glasses can help a lot but it sure as shit beats meeting a girl an app that has no interest in banter, the girls who are hardcore on Tinder and Wechat don’t want conversation, they just want to name their price (normally inflated) and arrange a time to fuck and go. What if you turn up, and she’s a fucking horror? (you do know they use beauty apps.) Do you turn on your heels and leave? Or do the deed and pop an extra viagra to make sure you don’t disappoint the poor lady.

Yes, some bars are quieter, and some of the girls are not so hot, but guys here is the point you have a choice if you don’t like that bar or lady move on to the next, believe me and pop in to say Billboard on the top floor of Nana on any giving night, hundreds of girls wanting to please you and a bar that’s buzzing with a great atmosphere, on the second floor you have Spanky’s with it’s crazy but fun feel about the place, Angelwitch a few doors up that has hot girls and some great rock tunes.

Soi Cowboy has Lighthouse and Wednesday night is cheap drinks night (if you are worried about those drink prices) and the girls are hot as fuck, Shark, Bacarra, Cowboy 2 or take a look into Crazy House, if you finish up there then get in a taxi and head over to Patpong where you can take in many amazing bars, Black Pagoda, Thigh Bar, Kiss Bar, Bada Bing and Glamour are just a few, my point is basically this…sitting in your room looking at ladies that more than likely would cost you 1,000 baht on the street is doing the Agogo scene a disservice and it’s your fucking duty to get out there and see the bright lights, sexy ladies and ladyboys and go balls deep into some of the best bars Bangkok has to offer.

Bangkok Agogo scene needs you, it’s your duty as a whore monger to keep it up.