A Man Who Likes To Photograph Prostitutes

Stickman Bangkok – I have few regrets from my time in Asia.  The things I do regret do not concern anything I did, rather the things I didn’t.  And when I reflect on those things I did not do, one, in particular, comes to mind.  And when I do that I ask myself this question: did I miss an opportunity, or did I dodge a bullet?

One of my minor regrets is not spending more time in India.  Ok, so there’s nothing stopping me from going to the airport right now and getting on a plane for India, but it’s a whole lot easier to do that from Thailand than from New Zealand.  My major regret is something that happened on the last day of my trip to Kolkata.

I’d just had lunch and had a few hours to kill before my flight back to Thailand.  I was wandering around, shooting life on the streets of Kolkata.  It was a magnificent day, temps in the mid-20s and a hazy blue sky, the perfect temperature and bright – but not harsh light – to snap life on the streets.  I was reflecting on a few great days and already thinking about my next trip to India in much the same way we all did after our first trip to Thailand when a young Indian walks up to me and says in perfect English – not perfect Indian English, but perfect English – the most profound thing a stranger has ever said to me, “You look like a man who likes to photograph prostitutes.”



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